The Gorge - Flash Bristow's Website
Steve Goth

Steve is the poor soul responsible for taking me to Slimelight for the very first time. (So everything is somehow his fault!)

Ste'e is an absolutely chipper chap, who is either in a state of "Alive, awake, vertical" (complete with hand actions) or "alive, vertical, beer" depending on the time of day.

He is a friend of Ben Beer although he seems to overlap quite a few circles. Looks... kinda cute but hard, with a single dread starting at the middle back of his head. I guess if he lost it, he would be completely bald. Let gooooo, Ste'e, let go! Bald is cool too.

Steve is most notable for extending friendship to me the morning after my first Slimelight, so I could chill and meet some people; for understanding why I enjoy sitting on the big bass speakers (as does he) and for generally being cool about everything - mellow and pragmatic. He used to accept offers of cigarettes, swapping them for whatever was currently behind his ear. How handy! These days, he sometimes DJs at Assimilation.

Steve is lovely and I don't know why he says he gets little action. He needs loving. And beer. Especially beer.

His webpage is at www.clues.ltd.uk/steve.html

This page last updated: 01 September 2022

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